July 2024 Energy Update: A Choice Point in Human Evolution
Jun 25, 2024As we step into July 2024, we find ourselves at a crucial juncture in the journey of human ascension. This month marks a significant period of transition, building upon the intense energies we experienced during the spring and recent solstice. Let's explore the key aspects of this transformative time and how we can best align ourselves with the cosmic energies at play.
For a more complete version of this message, watch my July 2024 Energy Update video on YouTube.
The Galactic Calendar Shift
In the galactic calendar, based on the Mayan tradition, July holds special significance. July 25th is known as the "Day Out of Time," followed by the start of a new year on July 26th. This cosmic reset point offers us a unique opportunity to reflect on our journey and set intentions for the coming cycle.
2024: A Midpoint in the Ascension Journey
This year, 2024, feels like a pivotal midpoint in our collective transition. The recent solstice marked a tipping point, and we may start to experience a shift in energies moving forward. July serves as a stillpoint - a moment of calm before the acceleration of what's to come.
Message from the Akash
Every month, I work with the Akashic Records to discover how the month's energies may affect us. The Akashic guides this month emphasize the importance of strength and willpower activation during this period. They remind us that strength is not isolated but relational and directional. We're encouraged to embrace challenges as opportunities to unlock greater strengths within ourselves and our communities.
A key message is to draw strength from the sun - both the physical sun and the spiritual "sun behind the sun." By consciously connecting with this cosmic light source, we can revitalize our bodies, minds, and souls with unstoppable power:
Do not fear what is to come. Embrace it as the necessary exercise you need to unlock yet greater strengths within yourself and your communities.
Draw strength from the Sun. The Sun is a storehouse of strength for you. It is where all your power ultimately comes from.
Feel the rays of Light shining onto you from the Sun. Strengthening you, revitalizing you. Allow these rays to enter through your palms, through your crown, through your heart, to fill your body, mind, and soul with unstoppable power. Feel it filling you, radiating outward with warmth and light.
This is the power and strength of Love. It is not what some of you have been led to think.
Feel it. This is the inexorable Force of Life, expanding and expressing itself through you.
Our Collective Choice Point and Radical Personal Responsibility
We stand at a critical juncture where humanity must choose between 3D and 5D energies. This choice will significantly impact Earth's future trajectory. Those who choose higher vibrations and maintain a clear vision of a healed Earth can contribute powerfully to a more positive collective outcome.
Now is the time for honest self-reflection and taking radical personal responsibility for all aspects of our lives. This includes our physical surroundings, health, finances, and spiritual practices. By addressing these foundational elements, we prepare ourselves to step fully into our power and purpose in the coming months and years.
Wisdom from Jaguar Spirit
Jaguar Spirit offers a perspective on the non-linear nature of time. We're reminded of our power to create ceremonial shifts that can alter the trajectory of our timelines moving forward. This wisdom encourages us to address unhealed aspects and ancestral patterns through spiritual practice:
“Linear Time is a flow that you can ride, a stream that flows in one direction only, but you can swim against the stream should you so desire.
“You can go back in time, you can revisit ancient holdings, you can create ceremony there and shift the course of time.
“You will not change events prior to this moment. But you will create in this moment sacred geometries in the fabric of Time that can alter the trajectory of time from this point forward.
“Heed my words: you are more powerful than you know. Your power is not to be wasted. Take care.”
Guidance for the Month Ahead
The Owl spirit animal brings us support for July, offering the gift of night vision. This energy encourages us to look deeply within, to see clearly what's been hiding in the shadows, and to bring these elements to light for healing.
As we navigate the powerful energies of July 2024, let's remember that we're each playing a crucial role in this collective ascension journey. By focusing on personal growth, maintaining a clear vision of a positive future, and staying attuned to the cosmic energies, we can make the most of this pivotal time.
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