About Us
Spoken Earth Ministries is a 508(c)(1)(a) metaphysical free church headquartered in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We were founded in 2022 by Ona Martin and her husband Rich Beasley.
Our mission is one of practical metaphysics: to help people create freedom and happiness in their lives and businesses by aligning mind, body, and spirit to the laws of Nature and Nature’s God.
Above all, we seek to promote a deeper understanding of spiritual principles in ways that benefit all of humanity as well as our natural world.

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What is a 508(c)(1)(a)?
508(c)(1)(a) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, Faith-based Organization (FBO) similar to a private membership association. 508(c)(1)(a) status is recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit alternative for churches to filing as a 501(c)(3) organization. Compared to the latter, a 508(c)(1)(a) organization enjoys certain benefits, including First Amendment religious freedom exemptions.
Are donations to Spoken Earth Ministries tax-deductible?
Yes, to the best of our knowledge. We very much appreciate donations and if you'd like to donate you can do so here.
However, as one of our long-term goals is to help businesses thrive through the application of metaphysical principles, we have made the decision to fund Spoken Earth Ministries primarily through the sale of products and services such as classes, workshops, metaphysical products, and one-to-one energy work and/or consulting rather than primarily from donations.
The proceeds from these sales help to offset our overhead, cover payroll for our staff, and enable us to offer free services such as our regular online Gatherings. In the future we also hope to acquire a piece of land for local spiritual services and retreats.
Do you have a creed?
No. We believe that every human being has his or her own direct connection with the Divine. It is not our place to dictate your spiritual beliefs.
What do you believe?
As a metaphysical organization it is our goal to study and teach the universal spiritual principles that lie at the core of every legitimate religion. This is also what is known as spiritual science.
Like the laws of physics, these spiritual principles operate regardless of our subjective beliefs. Therefore they provide humanity with a spiritual "common ground" that perhaps some day will help us come to a place of unity as a species.
The one thing that we do want to emphasize here is that just like the laws of physics, metaphysical principles are neutral. They can be and have been used both for good or for evil purposes.
We believe that a true understanding of spiritual principles (for instance as taught by Jesus, Buddha, etc.) includes adherence to the Golden Rule and will always result in putting oneself in service to humanity and holding oneself to high moral standards.
Do you believe in God?
We believe in a universal Consciousness that is a positive, creative, force of Love, that includes and is present in all things. If this aligns with your concept of "God," then yes.
If I am a Christian (Jew, Buddhist, etc.), can I attend?
Of course. This is a universal, non-denominational ministry and everyone is welcome here. The study of metaphysics, as mentioned above, is universal and part of all major religions.
We respect all religious paths. Many people find great benefit from following their religious traditions. However no one can make everyone happy all the time. Often metaphysics is best understood through study of the esoteric (rather than the mainstream exoteric) side of any given religion. Sometimes this can lead to religious friction, either with existing religious communities, or within oneself. We encourage you to interpret the teachings for yourself in light of your own spiritual tradition.
Is this occult?
Yes and no. The word "occult" means "hidden." Metaphysical knowledge was kept hidden from the mainstream of humanity for millennia, sometimes to keep people from harming themselves with it but more often in order to control people with this powerful knowledge unbeknownst to them.
So yes, the study of metaphysical knowledge is often referred to as "occult." However as stated above this is information that has always been embedded in the Bible and other religious texts, often in ways that hid it from the uninitiated reader.
It is our belief that at this time in human history, every man and woman should have direct access to this empowering knowledge. We believe that the majority of people, when properly instructed in metaphysics, will use it to improve their lives and those of others. So part of our work entails the "un-occulting" of previously guarded knowledge so that it can be used for the benefit of humankind rather than for the profit of the elite few.
Is this a cult?
No. It's our intention to assist you to self-educate, not to indoctrinate. We respect your individual religious beliefs. We encourage questioning, free discourse, and self-inquiry. You are free to participate as fully or as little as you wish. While we may have suggestions for spiritual practices you might want to consider, we will never pressure you to do anything that doesn't feel right to you, or ask you to convert to any specific beliefs in order to stay affiliated with us.
Does it cost anything to join as a member?
No. Basic membership to Spoken Earth Ministries is free.
What will I receive as a member?
Members enjoy free, bi-monthly online Gatherings. These include healing circles, oracle meetups, guided meditation services, and more.
You will also have access to our online community forums where you can connect and share resources with other spiritually-aware people.
Our members may also receive discounts on certain services and products, as well as invitations to exclusive events.