Deepen Your Spiritual Connection
Welcome to Spoken Earth Ministries, a nonprofit, metaphysical organization serving spiritual seekers around the globe.
We offer free bi-monthly virtual metaphysical Gatherings, as well as classes, workshops, and other offerings for spiritual seekers who want to deepen their spiritual connection and make a real difference in the world.

Spiritual Community
No one should feel spiritually lonely. We offer a free an online community for Lightworkers and metaphysical seekers, including twice-monthly live online Gatherings. Membership is free to all!

Courses & Workshops
We offer learning opportunities related to our areas of focus (holistic healing, natural law, stewardship, and human potential, including entrepreneurship) throughout the year. Check our events calendar for upcoming opportunities.

Spiritual Healing Services
Seeking personalized support for spiritual growth and/or healing? We offer private, one-to-one healing sessions, oracle readings, and spiritual counseling as time is available. All session fees support ministry programs and offerings.

Metaphysical Store
Support Spoken Earth Ministries in style! Watch our online store to shop for upcoming products including wearable items as well as beautiful artwork and oracle cards by ministry co-founder Ona Christie.
Who We Are/Our Mission
When you align body, mind, and spirit with the Universal Laws of Nature and Nature's God, you naturally begin to heal. In healing, you free yourself. Free souls in community heal the world. This is our vision for humanity and the Earth.
Spoken Earth Ministries is a 508(c)(1)(a) nonprofit, metaphysical free church founded by Ona Christie Martin and Rich Beasley in 2022.
Our mission is to help people align mind, body, and spirit to the laws of Nature and Nature’s God, so they can create freedom and happiness in their lives and businesses.

Our Values
Liberty • Harmony • Beauty • Joy • Love • Health • Abundance • Stewardship • Personal Responsibility • Respect
What We Do
We provide services and initatives that support:

Holistic Healing
Mind, body, emotions, and spirit: all are interconnected. As above, so below: to heal at one level is to heal at all.
Every living being has throughout its life a deep capacity for self-healing. A true healing practice will support and assist the individual to activate and sustain this power within him- or herself.

Natural Law
In the natural world, each being follows its own innate inner guidance, subject to the laws of nature. Harmony results.
A free society is only possible when a critical mass of individuals know their rights under natural law, hold themselves to a moral standard that recognizes the inherent value and rights of every person, and are willing to take full responsibility for their actions.

Harmony With Nature
We are as much a part of Nature as any other being on the planet. In fact, we are a vital part of the consciousness of our planet.
When we learn to truly listen to Nature and act according to her needs, we will discover that stewardship of the natural world is not just our responsibility, it can become our greatest joy.

Human Potential
Humans are made “in the image of our Creator.” Of all creatures on our planet, we have the unique ability to create our own circumstances and determine our own fate.
Each human being is born with a soul purpose and the creative gifts to fulfill it. In business, in the arts, or simply through their lifestyle choices, those who achieve inner healing in harmony with Nature naturally create in ways that benefit everyone.
We Believe:
• In One Universal Consciousness present in all things and of which all things are a part.
• The universe as we know it is guided by certain universal principles (the laws of Nature and Nature's God), including the laws of physics and the Hermetic principles.
• Each human being is a direct creation of Universal Consciousness and is endowed by that Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
• A healthy society supports and upholds these rights, both for present and future generations in perpetuity.
• Each individual is personally responsible for knowing and upholding their rights under natural law, as well as respecting the rights of others—those yet to be conceived as well as those living.
• Humans are part of the body and consciousness of the Earth. As we treat the Earth, we treat ourselves; as we treat ourselves, we treat the Earth.
• With Love, all things are possible.