Feeling Spiritually Lonely?

You Will LOVE Our Meetup Group for Lightworkers & Spiritual Seekers! 


Welcome to Lightworkers’ Cafe –

A Free Membership Community for Awakening Souls 

So many spiritual seekers struggle with feeling isolated on their journey. But we weren’t meant to go through this Earthly experience alone! 

I’d like to invite you to join a supportive monthly gathering of awakening souls you can attend from anywhere in the world. Watch the video (or read the transcript below) to learn more.

Welcome to Lightworkers’ Cafe –

A Free Membership Community for Awakening Souls 

We weren’t meant to go through this Earthly experience alone! 

I’d like to invite you to join a supportive monthly gathering of awakening souls you can attend from anywhere in the world. Watch the video (or read the transcript below) to learn more.


Join Our Community!

Watch your email for your access link to our bi-monthly events.

You will also receive a copy of our "2 Minute Miracle" Prayer for spiritual alignment. :) 

We won't send spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

October 2024 Lightworkers' Cafe Events

 Guided Meditation Gathering: Healing Ancestral Energies

Sunday, October 13, 1 PM EDT/10 AM Pacific


The season of Samhain/Halloween is traditionally a time to honor and remember the ancestors. In this interactive guided meditation we will ceremonially open the gate to this powerful season, bringing in Light for healing of ancestral lines.

We will begin this FREE 1.5 hour Gathering with sharing and intention setting, followed by a guided meditation for ancestral healing and spiritual protection at this powerful time of year.


Mystic Art Worshop: Wisdom of the Ancestors

Sunday, October 27, 1 PM EDT/10 AM Pacific


Let’s create healing and connection through art! In this guided meditation art workshop, we will create a safe, protected environment to connect with your ancestral energies for healing, inspiration, and support.

  • For all levels of art experience and spiritual development – art is for everyone! 🙂

This FREE 1.5 hour workshop is the perfect opportunity to let loose and tap into your inner creativity, while developing your intuition. Enjoy a fun and relaxing time in the company of like-minded souls!

Video Transcript

Hi. I'm Ona Christie, co-founder of Spoken Earth Ministries. And I'd like to introduce you to Lightworkers Cafe, our free membership group for spiritual seekers, including lightworkers, Starseeds and those drawn to a metaphysical way of life.

As you may know, I've been serving the spiritual community since 2015 through my YouTube channel, Art of Awakening.

One thing I've become very aware of over the years is that many people who have experienced a spiritual awakening struggle with a sense of spiritual loneliness.

I've noticed it across the board, both people who are newly awakening and those who have been walking the spiritual path for years. It can be hard to find people who understand where you're coming from and share your enthusiasm for a spiritual life.

So back in 2018, in my local area, I started a little meetup group for awakening souls. We got together once a month in a local cafe. As the group grew larger, we started to do events like Oracle Nights and inviting local healers to speak. It was a lot of fun and it grew like gangbusters.

After a while, people started coming up to me and saying things like, "I'm so grateful for this group. I don't feel alone anymore. And I've met so many new friends who get me. This really changed my life."

In 2019, I started experiencing a health crisis and ended up passing the torch for that group to another person to lead. And then Covid hit and the group fell apart. But the events since 2020 didn't erase the need for lightworkers to get together. If anything, it's even more important now.

So once I started feeling better in mid 2021, I started a Patreon group online. It was a very small group, but I was told by several of the members that it too was a life changing experience.

As 2022 came to a close, the guidance became really strong to widen the circle because there are so many souls who need this kind of community.

And in fact, one of our biggest missions here at Spoken Earth Ministries is to create community both locally and online, because that's where we can see and feel that there is so much need at this time.

So the first thing I wanted to do was to provide safe spaces for spiritual seekers everywhere, to come together in real time. 

That's why I started Lightworkers Cafe, our membership program for spiritually awakening people.

Once or twice a month, I host online space for lightworkers and spiritual seekers to come and meet other spiritually awakened people and have fun and learn from each other.

  • At least once a month, we'll have a more informal free gathering that may include fun activities such as pulling cards for each other, coming together in a healing circle, or just open discussion.
  • And every month we have an additional free event that's more structured, such as a group guided meditation or ritual.
  • We also have an online community portal where we can continue discussions and share resources in between events.

I want this experience to be available and accessible to everyone, so our basic membership and access to Lightworkers Cafe events will always be free of charge.

The only thing that you'll need to do to participate is to join Spoken Earth Ministries as a member. There's a little form to fill out and a membership application to agree to, and once you join, you'll get notifications via email of every event.

So in closing, I want to thank you for all the support you've given me on my YouTube channel over the years, and again offer you a huge, heartfelt welcome to join me in Lightworkers Cafe.

If you feel in your heart that this is for you or just want to check it out, you can find the link to join in the description below. I look forward to seeing you there.